Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Philly Launch is Thursday!!!

Here is Sabina's dog, Maddie, the unofficial mascot of The Culinary Canine! Maddie is sitting on the table we used to sign books in NYC last week and clearly she is holding court!

If you'd like to meet Maddie in person, stop by the launch in Philly this week on Thursday at Restaurant 1682 and the lobby of Hotel Palomar at 117 S. 17th Street in Philadelphia from 6-8 PM.

Support a great cause--PACT for Animals--with your $10 at the door and sample some people fare prepared by four chefs in the book. And have a glass of wine on us!

For more press on the NYC event--and hints of the great time you'll have in Philly--check out this recent post on Dog Channel.

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